Moon or You – English poem by Ahmad Zeshan

Moon or You – English poem by Ahmad Zeshan


The moon was yours or were you the moon,

I lay there wounded, under an isolated dune.

Two crescent edges, sharp as a knife,

Pierced my chest, reprising my life.


Was it you who held the blade so near,

Or was it the moon itself, my fear?

I woke up bleeding, in the night so deep,

Rumours of redemption disturbed my sleep


“I’m sorry,” she breathed with a voice so frail,

A veil of excuses where grief prevails.

“I really didn’t know,” her voice in the gloom,

But the night was heavy, marking my doom.


The moon was the murderer, or was it you?

I questioned the stars, as they silently flew.

In the silence, where sorrow was born,

I stitched my wounds with threads of the morn.


Ahmad Zeeshan studies English Literature at GCU Lahore’s department.


Moon or You – English poem


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