:::::::::::::::::: To the reverence of Word, which makes sacred the tip of a Pen :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: لفظ کی حرمت کے نام ، جو نوک ِ قلم پر احرام بندھتا ہے :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The Road to Freedom: Allama Mashriqi’s : Historic Journey from Amritsar to Lahore: By Nasim Yousaf In a groundbreaking cinematic endeavor, the long-awaited documentary...
سوال تربیت کا کیا آپ کے والدین نے آپ کی یہی تربیت کی ہے؟ یہ جملہ ہم سب نے زندگی کے کسی نا کسی...
Acha Burraa Insaan aur Humara Nizam: By Zohaib Shah “اچھا، برا انسان اور ہمارا نظام” ہم بچپن سے یہی سنتے ہوئے...
Farangi Tahzeeb – Poem by Mateen Haider
“Colors” : English poem by Erum Javeria How can the sky be so blue? My pain, my sorrow does it have any clue Wondering...
How to say ‘No’ in a Pakistani Work Culture: By Erum Javeria In Pakistan, maintaining healthy relationships with others is highly valued, and this...
Kissi Naam Ki Shanaasi Se: Urdu Nazm by Nabeela کسی نام کی شناسائی سے دربدر رسوائی سے اک عارضہ لاحق ہے اک سلسلہ اجتناب کا...
Khaak-e-Pakistan – Poem by Mateen Haider
Akhri Safha: Azad Nazm by Hasnain A Qadir آزاد نظم (آخری صفحہ) کتاب کا آخری صفحہ ہے دل میں امیدیں ہیں کھلی آنکھوں...
The Psychology of Colors: Unlocking the Hidden Influence on Our Emotions and Behaviors” – By Tuba Chaudhary Colors play a significant role in...
Iblees and Momin Ka Muqalma – Mateen Haider Poem
Shama: Urdu Ghazal by Zohaib Shah “شَمع” میں اک شَمع ہوں، طوفان غَم نے ہے بُجھایا مُجھ کو اِسی واسطے چند ایک مِزاج، ظالمانہ...
“Once Visited a Graveyard” – By M. Talha Chaudhary Once visited a graveyard A place quite deserted Yet filled with people Just like the...
Yeh Waqt Yeh Halaat: Urdu Ghazal by Ahad Chaudhary یہ وقت یہ حالات میرے پہلی بار ہیں یہ خیال یہ جذبات میرے پہلی بار ہیں...
Can’t you feel them? – English poem by Ahmad Zeeshan Can’t you feel them? They are stabbing my heart Can’t you peruse them? They...
A Flower in Paradise: English poem by By Mohammad Usama Aamir A fragrant flower, In the Garden of Paradise A little soul, so fragile A...
I’ll be Fine with Being: English poem by Hira Mehar Cooing doves fly away from tired willow Though Autumn has not yet arrived, They went...
Contemplating Life: By Raghad Al Salmi Roaming the streets of London, begging for a pound to quiet my starving stomach felt like a noose...
10 Naat Khawans that remain evergreen Naat is an important part of Islam because it is a form of devotional poetry that praises and expresses...
Times: English poem by Rafia Kamran My cardiac muscles wrench when, I miss Us. My nerves constrict when, I look at your pictures, the...
“Too Fleeting is the Moment” – Poem by Hira Mehar I know not a heart that hasn’t left its comfort, Not a soul that lived...
Bachon Ki Zehni Silahayatain: Urdu Article by Tuba Chaudhary “بچوں کی ذہنی صلاحیتوں کی ترویج اور توقعات کی نئی تشریع” ہمارے معاشرے میں...
Might Soldier: English Poem by Elsa Ish The Hardest conflict is waiting, The worst enemy is here for greeting, Mom’s might boy entered in tough...
Yoonhi To Kabhi Halaaat: Ghazal by Qamar Hameed غزل قمر حمید مرزا یونہی تو کبھی حالات نہیں بدلے جب تلک کہ خیالات نہیں ...