:::::::::::::::::: To the reverence of Word, which makes sacred the tip of a Pen :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: لفظ کی حرمت کے نام ، جو نوک ِ قلم پر احرام بندھتا ہے :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

An Interview with TheSufi.com founder

An Interview with TheSufi.com founder Waleed founded the first website on Sufism and Sufi Music in 2002 at Institute of Business Admiration [IBA] in Pakistan. TheSufi.com is...


Poem by Urooj Nisar

Breaking free You never made me feel special Yet i chased you like a fool You took me for granted But how long this could...

union bank pakistan

Union Bank Pakistan: Business Report

Union Bank Pakistan: Business Report THE COMPANY PROFILE BASIC INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE:-   Union bank established in 1991 had very little knowledge about the banking sector...