:::::::::::::::::: To the reverence of Word, which makes sacred the tip of a Pen :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: لفظ کی حرمت کے نام ، جو نوک ِ قلم پر احرام بندھتا ہے :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

national heritage website review

English Heritage Website Review

English Heritage Website Review English Heritage along with National Trust remains the most popular membership club for exploring England as it provides free entry to...

Effectiveness measures more than Advertising

Effectiveness measures more than Advertising   Janet Hull is probably one of the better apologists for the advertising industry. As head of the advertising effectiveness program...

Foxit Reader 9

Foxit Reader 9: Freeware Review

  With the arrival of better and lighter alternatives for reading PDF files, Adobe PDF reader is almost obsolete now. Most modern browsers like Google...