:::::::::::::::::: To the reverence of Word, which makes sacred the tip of a Pen :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: لفظ کی حرمت کے نام ، جو نوک ِ قلم پر احرام بندھتا ہے :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Sir Syed Ross Masood and Allama Iqbal
Sir Ross Masood [also Masud] died on 15th August 1937. He was the son of Justice Syed Mahmud, and the grandson of Sir Syed...
Nazia Hassan Grave in Hendon Cemetery & Crematorium, Barnet [London]
Nazia Hassan Grave in Hendon Cemetery & Crematorium, Barnet [London] Nazia Hassan (1965-2000) is a voice that still gives listeners goosebumps even after almost 2 decades....
Kal Ek Dervaish Kehta Tha – Urdu Poem by Shahram Sarmadee
Kal Ek Dervaish Kehta Tha – Urdu Poem by Shahram Sarmadee
Let Me Breathe – Urdu Poem by Junaid Zafar
Let Me Breathe – Urdu Poem by Junaid Zafar مجھے اب سانس لینے دو مجھے بھی مسکرانے دو اگر آ ہی گیا ہوں میں بھٹک...
Pehlay Ishq Ki Maut Pe – Urdu Poem by Shahram Sarmadee
Pehlay Ishq Ki Maut Pe – Urdu Poem by Shahram Sarmadee
Jinnah’s statement on the Congress demand for Shariah rule: By Khurram Ali Shafique
On 3 June 1947, the British Government announced its acceptance of the principle of federation suggested by the All-India Muslim League, i.e. two sovereign states...
What is Life: Urdu Article by Junaid Zafar
What is Life: Urdu Article by Junaid Zafar اس دنیا کے مشکل ترین سوالوں میں سے ایک سوال یہ ہے کہ زندگی کیا...
Two Palestinian Poems by Mu’ine Bessissou
Two Palestinian Poems by Mu’ine Bessissou The Moon Eighteen Years Later Here the footprints stop Here behind rocks, tents and trees The moon lies with...
Qabastaan: Urdu Article Nadia Umber Lodhi
قبرستان ۔۔۔۔۔ کراچی میں واقع گورا قبرستان مشہور و معروف ہے ۔ اس شہر میںایک یہودیوں کا قبرستان بھی ہے ۔ پاکستان بننے سے پہلے...
Download Screensaver of Faiz Ahmed Faiz epic poem ‘Tanhai’
Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s epic poem Tanhai has inspired many artists such as Sadequain. It remains one of Faiz Ahmed Faiz most melancholic poems, since most...
Dajjal Kaun? Fascinating Urdu Article by Nadia Umber Lodhi
“دجال کون ! who is Antichrist? “نادیہ عنبر لودھی کے قلم سے ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ زمین اپنی پیداوار ایک تہائ کم کر دے گی۔آسمان سے بارشوں کاسلسلہ...
“Before” – English Poem By Nadia Umber Lodhi
Where we were before words , Before Universe, before Earth , In shape of black mud , Save Inside puddle, Earth ,fire ,water and wind...
Shahabnama Ka Aik Baab Jo Likha Na Gaya: By Prof. Fatah Muhammad Malik
Shahabnama Ka Aik Baab Jo Likha Na Gaya: By Prof. Fatah Muhammad Malik Shahnama became an instant sensation with its candid view of history of...
Mere Walid Qudratullah Shahab: Article by Saqib Shahab
Mere Walid Qudratullah Shahab: Article by Saqib Shahab Qudratullah Shahab, a prominent civil servant and author is famed for his autobiography Shahabnama. GCU Lahore’s The...