On Train To Next Station: By Sana Fatima

On Train To Next Station: By Sana Fatima

Anxious, Nauseous – I feel like dying
Which place to go ?
Which word to write ?
Stress, pain – My thoughts were ending
Which path to choose
Which hope to ignite
We, I, me and you
Lost shattered withered scattered
When will we reunite
With our souls with our delight
Why must we continue to take
This burden, This stone, up that hill
Where does my mind end
And death of the thought happen
In restless days in dreamless nights
To the journey to nowhere
Why must I stay awake
Why should I keep alive
Circling and circling round
Fear of future, regret behind
A graduate’s mind
A jumble of memories
Vague laughs Vivid cries
That Campus night that old life
Why don’t my mind shut
Why won’t my heart speak ?
Tell that to it please
If you ever pass by it
Oh how I miss the times
When all the world would silence like shrine
When I heard that voice from the heart of mine


ghazal love night


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