Envy – Poem by Sobia Awan

Envy – Poem by Sobia Awan

O Envy, the brat of covetousness,
Thou eclipse the mortals with thy Hell of being,
Fueled by the deeds of folly.
O thou, warped by a wishing evil
That evokes misfortune for fellow souls,
Tailing to the thrones,
Wailing the miseries proclaimed.
O thou, a disgraced brat,
Blind of wishful sin,
Oblivious to the unquenched thirst,
Burning thy dead soul,
parching thy venomous tongue.
O pitied Mortal,
Heaven curses thy diseased soul;
Thy devotion is infertile, thy reckonings blotted.
O self-deluded, thou dost merely poison thyself,
Consuming thy mind
Tainting thy delusional flight,
Feeding thy fright.
O Tormented Soul, Turn!
Be content with thy possession,
Brighten thy soul with repentance’ pour,
Extend a joyful delight
to embrace the succeeded,
And find thy cure.




Sobia Awan - Poem

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