Enigma: English Poem by Nimra Gondal

Enigma: English Poem by Nimra Gondal

In such cold night’s
I need a soothing breeze
A beacon of hope to move forward with me
someone to hold my heart and take me to land of light
I want to go to a drenching desert lone by myself
Then I will see in the eyes of my inner self
I will listen to the flute of my heart
I will dance on the beat of mysticism
girl in white - english poem
My tears will water that desert
A green ground will cover it all
I will sow a piece of my heart there
My soul will dig the tree of my heart
I am like an ocean
Wide ,vast, clear, mystic, mighty, cruel and kind
My boundaries are boundless
who could determine them
But you know what I want
You know what I crave for
You know why I am crying
You know all sorrows of my soul
You know why I want to be different
You are carrying a piece of my soul with yours
I have stolen  all sorrows of your heart
Now I long for your soul
You are carrying my soul but where have you lost your heart
Your heart was supposed to heal my tormented lost soul
But you too lost yourself long ago
You long for intelligent love, have you lost your wits ?
intellect and beauty can’t be combined!
But you are clever you find beauty intellectual and intellect beautiful
I have lost myself for you
Come and feel my beat it’s draining day by day
I am becoming shallow with passing second’s
This is never what I want to be
I need my soul back but I can’t live in that sanctuary anymore
Your body ,your soul ,your heart you have lost them all
But why you fetched my body ,my heart ,my soul with your shallow intellect
Ohhh my love I hate you so much
I hate you like an ocean I hate you like I love  the sky , I hate you like a wild beast I hate you like  a broken mirror
I hate black of your eyes I hate your lips I hate your words I hate your brain games
You are like a  sun you bless and burn everyone and everything in your domain
But one day I will create a black hole to eat you up
You never know you could never be for everyone
You belong with me your home is my heart
And my heart is a mighty black hole.
 I can swallow your sorrows ,your pain,s, your cravings your passions ,your habits your principle’s like in seconds Everything  will be nothing
But your intellect I crave for it
Yesh I do I always do
You are so far away like Ocean,s away like stars like sun
You’re so imaginary like heaven like hell like hate like love but you are effective like preaching of a prophet
You are toxic like me I am loving like you
You are close like pain you are far like peace
You are heart my heart my love my sorrow .


Nimra Gondal



Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


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