Category: Poetry شاعری
Muhabbat Ki Tajarrat Main Khasara Kaun Dekhe: Ghazal by Jabbar Anjam
Muhabbat Ki Tajarrat Main Khasara Kaun Dekhe: Ghazal by Jabbar Anjam
Earth is Better than Paradise: Allama Iqbal poem from Zabur-i Ajam
Earth is Better than Paradise: Allama Iqbal poem from Zabur-i Ajam The following poem is taken from Part II of Muhammad Iqbal’s Zabur-i Ajam (“Psalms...
Kuliyat e Aatish by Haider Ali Aatish (حَیدر علی آتِش ): Download PDF
Kuliyat e Aatish by Haider Ali Aatish (حَیدر علی آتِش): Download complete poetry diwan in PDF Haider Ali Aatish (حَیدر علی آتِش ) is...
Mussadis e Haali [Altaaf Hussain Hali]: Download PDF
Mussadis e Haali [Altaaf Hussain Hali]: Download complete collection in PDF Musaddas e Hali is a book the greater Philosopher Poet Dr. Allama Iqbal...
Yaadon ka Shehr – Urdu Poem by Ijaz Hussain Bitalwi
Yaadon ka Shehr – Urdu Poem by Ijaz Hussain Bitalwi
Jawaz-e-Hijart Kaya Poochte Ho – Urdu Poem Muhammad Naeem Bazmi
Jawaz-e-Hijart Kaya Poochte Ho – Urdu Poem Muhammad Naee13m Bazmi
Ghazal by Amjad Islam Amjad for The Ravi: GCU Lahore
Ghazal by Amjad Islam Amjad for The Ravi: GCU Lahore
Liberation of consciousness: Poem by Mohsin Latif
Liberation of consciousness Stifled by the idea of her conscious self She demolished the chains of her ideal self She felt suffocated but liberated For...
Nigehbaan – Urdu Poem by Zia Jilandhari
Zia Jalandhari was an eminent Urdu poet, who did his MA in English Literature from GCU Lahore [then GC Lahore]. He worked as MD of...
18 May 2001 – Urdu Poem Dr Wazir Agha
18 May 2001 – Urdu Poem Dr Wazir Agha Wazir Agha is known for this articles, poems and essays. He is known for his...
Parveen Shakir Ki Shayiri Main Ghar Ka Tusavvar
Parveen Shakir Ki Shayiri Main Ghar Ka Tusavar [پروین شاکر کی شاعری میں گھر کا تصور ]
Chalo Aisa Karte Hain: Urdu Nazam by Sonia Akmal
چلو ایسا کرتے ہیں مٹی کا اک چھوٹا سا گھر بناتے اسے پھر ہم سجاتے ہیں زرا سے کہکہوں سے مخلصی سے, اور محبت سے...
At the Edge of Darkness: Poem by Eemaan binte Fayyaz
At the edge of darkness Alas! I mourn the fading light That overcame man’s tragic fate That floods upon the victor’s gate Of which the...
Allama Iqbal on commercialisation of Spiritualism
Iqbal was highly critical of the commercialisation of spiritualism. He was of the view that if somebody possessed some spiritual powers these should be...