Author: Ravi Magazine
Islam: A Difficult Religion? Urdu Article by Junaid Zafar
اسلام! ایک مشکل دین؟ تحریر: جنید ظفر یہ تحریر دل سے لکھی گئی ہے اور اس کو پڑھنے کے لیے آپ کو دل کی...
Chalo Aisa Karte Hain: Urdu Nazam by Sonia Akmal
چلو ایسا کرتے ہیں مٹی کا اک چھوٹا سا گھر بناتے اسے پھر ہم سجاتے ہیں زرا سے کہکہوں سے مخلصی سے, اور محبت سے...
At the Edge of Darkness: Poem by Eemaan binte Fayyaz
At the edge of darkness Alas! I mourn the fading light That overcame man’s tragic fate That floods upon the victor’s gate Of which the...
Kaya Sohbat Assar Rakhti Hai: Urdu Article by Junaid Zafar
کیا صحبت اثر رکھتی ہے؟ تحریر: جنید ظفر تعلیم اورتربیت دو مختلف چیزیں ہیں، تعلیم کا تعلق علم سے ہے جبکہ تربیت کا تعلق عمل...
Google Voice Typing Vs Microsoft Dictate Vs Braina Lite: Comparison of Voice Dictation Tools
There are a handful Voice Recognition and Dictation tools available for user to read out to computer to convert spoken words to text. Below we...
Proposed Shariah Compliant (Islamic) Counter or Trading Platform at Pakistan Stock Exchange
Writter by: Junaid Khanani & Hafiz Arsalan Ahmed (Students of MS – IBF at Center of Excellence in Islamic Finance, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi. Under...
Sukuk Based Structuring Of Saudia’s Intended Investment In Gwadar’s Prospective Oil Refinery
It was reported on Oct. 04, 2018 that upon our newly elected Prime Minister’s visit to Saudi Arabia as a part of the strategy...
Hindu Muslim Riots in Lahore – In View of Dr. Allama Iqbal
On the 3rd May 1927 a large gathering of the Hindus and Sikhs was held at Baoli Sahib, Dabbi bazar where inflammatory speeches were delivered...
Why Wasting the Waste? Research Article by Quratulain Nazeer Ahmed
The hop in urbanization for better livelihoods and access to relatively better services such as education and health care, is carrying many stern problems, in...
Naya Saal, Naya Azam: Urdu Article by Junaid Zafar
نیا سال، نیا عزم اس کائنات میں کوئی ایسا انسان نہیں جو خدا کی طرف سے کسی خاص تحفے سے نوازا نہ گیا ہو۔ جب...
Maulvi Abdul Haq [Baba e Urdu] and Allama Iqbal
maulvi abdul haq – baba e urdu Maulvi Abdul Haq [Baba e Urdu] and Allama Iqbal During the period 1936-38 seme correspondence was exchanged between...
Allama Iqbal on commercialisation of Spiritualism
Iqbal was highly critical of the commercialisation of spiritualism. He was of the view that if somebody possessed some spiritual powers these should be...
Naimat Aur Azmayish: Urdu Article by Junaid Zafar
نعمت اور آزمائش اس دنیا کی تم عطا کردہ چیزیں انسان کے لئے اللہ تعالی کی نعمتیں ہیں۔ مگر ہم بطور انسان اس بات کو...
Sir Syed Ross Masood and Allama Iqbal
Sir Ross Masood [also Masud] died on 15th August 1937. He was the son of Justice Syed Mahmud, and the grandson of Sir Syed...
Nazia Hassan Grave in Hendon Cemetery & Crematorium, Barnet [London]
Nazia Hassan Grave in Hendon Cemetery & Crematorium, Barnet [London] Nazia Hassan (1965-2000) is a voice that still gives listeners goosebumps even after almost 2 decades....
Kal Ek Dervaish Kehta Tha – Urdu Poem by Shahram Sarmadee
Kal Ek Dervaish Kehta Tha – Urdu Poem by Shahram Sarmadee
Let Me Breathe – Urdu Poem by Junaid Zafar
Let Me Breathe – Urdu Poem by Junaid Zafar مجھے اب سانس لینے دو مجھے بھی مسکرانے دو اگر آ ہی گیا ہوں میں بھٹک...