Press Release: Zunaira Waheed’s debut novel ‘That Night’ published now
Press Release: Zunaira Waheed’s debut novel ‘That Night’ published now Zunaira Waheed is a 14 year old high school student. She is a young...
Press Release: Zunaira Waheed’s debut novel ‘That Night’ published now Zunaira Waheed is a 14 year old high school student. She is a young...
Iss Eid Pe Aisa Kar Laina: Urdu Nazm by Tariq Iqbal Haavi اس عید پہ ایسا کر لینا دل میں خوشیوں کو بھر لینا...
Sufism – The Misunderstood Islam: By Aadil Farook One late night, Allama Iqbal called his faithful servant, Ali Baqsh. When Ali entered Iqbal’s room, he...
Youngest Female Self Help Published Book Author – Nothing is Impossible: Asma Tariq It was the time when I was in FSC, all packed up...
An Interview With Historian Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmad Professor Dr. lshtiaq Ahmad is a Swedish political scientist and author of Pakistani descent. He is Professor...
جی ڈھونڈتا ہے پھر وہی فرصت کے رات دن , بیٹھے رہیں تصورِ جاناں کیے ہوئے مرزا اسد اللہ خان غالب ‘Jee Dhoonta Hai Phir...
” ناراضگی ” شاعرہ : سیدہ عروج فاطمہ تمہاری ناراضگی نے میرے دل کے آنگن کو ویران کر ڈالا ہے مجھے یوں لگتا ہے کہ...
Mere Malik Gawah Rehna: Urdu Nazm by Tariq Iqbal Haavi ظلم یہ انتہا پر ہے، میرے مالک گواہ رہنا کون حق و خطا پر ہے،...
Sufi Quote by Maulana Rumi from Masnavi Maanvi In reality, ugliness does not exist, since God created all things perfect That is why there is...
کیا تشدد ضروری ہے – اسماء طارق الیکٹرانک اور سوشل میڈیا دیکھ دیکھ کر جب خود کو خاطر خواہ پریشان کر لیا تو جی چاہا...
12 Strange Habits of Pakistanis While Driving Someone has very rightly said that if you want to check the character of a nation, see how...
When I think about my city I think opposites, polarities, extremes. There’s the upper-class, the rich, the wealthy who reside in grand homes, well, more...
Sometimes I just sit in dark rooms: Poem by Laiba Bashir Where doors closed before me Sometimes all I hear is silence As if the...
10 Most Common Lies in Pakistan There is no match of Pakistanis when it comes to creativity and this creativity is at its peak when...
How to Explore our Soul: Article By Muhammad Iqbal Nasar Government College University Lahore Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. Exploring...
My Me Ours We Us Their They Them: By Prof Dr Waqas Khwaja It is a truth perhaps not unacknowledged that though we can,...
US – Iran Relations: Implications For Pakistan And Way Forward By Khalid Rehman Yousafzai US Iran relations were very cordial during the regime of...
Ghar Ashaab e Kahaf – Urdu Nazm by Noor ul Huda Shah دل چاہتاہے غاراصحاب کہف میں جاکرسوجاؤں جب نیند سےاٹھوں میرا زمانا گزرچکاہو میرےسکےکھوٹےہوچکےہوں...
An Unfinished (Effigy) Story: By Prof Mirza Ather Baig: Translated by Aqsa ljaz Sirajdin, the old gatekeeper of the party office was assigned the task...
Shaakhon Se Jab Roothay: Urdu Nazm by Tariq Iqbal Haavi شاخوں سے جب روٹھے پتے ٹوٹ کے بکھرے سوکھے پتے پھل اور پھول کو رنگت...
Pakistan’s Nuclear Deterrent – A Bluff Or A Reality – Khalid Rehman Yousafzai In year 2018, the then Indian Army Chief, General Bipin Rawat...
Online Education During COVID-19: By Hameed Khan, Department of Sociology Government College University Lahore. COVID-19 resulted closure of schools, colleges and universities across the world....
Lahore: From the Eyes of an Expat: By Nauman Younis The dawns I witnessed here while living on this piece of land are pellucidly different...
Do you want to earn Chinese? By Danyal Gilani There is a lot of truth in the saying “Learning Chinese is the work of men...