1. Try, try and try and you shall succeed. Good better best never let it rest until your good becomes better and your better best.
2. Nothing succeeds like success.
3. There is the price of progress.
4. Let bygones be bygones.
5. Forgive and forget. To err is human, to forgive divine.
6. In the auspicious month of Ramadan practice sanctity.
7. Pray for forgiveness in this holy month.
8. Do not commit any sins because you will have to pay penance for that.
9. Lead such a life that you are considered a role model.
10. Eat, drink and be merry on Eid, you deserve it after fasting. So you can feast after fasting.
11. Help the old because they become like children in their old age.
12. It is good to be childlike but not good to be childish.
13. Proper diet and exercise are a good way to maintain your health without medication.
14. Weather influences moods. Good weather puts you in a good mood just as foul weather puts you in a bad mood. Some people are under the weather, those whose moods are influenced by the weather and some are weather beaten those who take all types of weather in their stride.
15. You are what you eat so be careful if your choice of food. Don’t eat junk food especially children have a tendency to eat junk food as it is easily available.
16. Pursue your interests as achievement in them will keep you happy. Parents usually tend to ask their children to pursue a profession they feel is suitable for their child but sometimes the child excels in what he or she is interested in doing.
17. A routine in life is a very good way to spend a day to day life.
18. Good clothes give you a good position at least try and
19. Keep clean as cleanliness is next to godliness.
20. Unity faith and discipline was Quaid-I-azams motto and faith in God will steer you clear of all troubles.
21. Do a good deed every day as you will be rewarded for it.
22. Charity or Sadqa are good means to ward off evils.
23. Be sincere in what you do. Don’t forget your values also.
24. For every offence you commit remember you are answerable to your fellow human being and also God so tread the righteous path.
25. Tolerance is a virtue just as patience is so don’t loose your anger.
26.Gifts should be given on occasions not randomly otherwise they loose their importance.
27. There is a thing such as healthy competition which is okay but don’t compete just for the sake of it.
28. It is good to be sensitive to a fellow human beings feelings but don’t be over sensitive. You should know where to draw the line.
29. To keep your family secure is one thing but to be over protective may result in being possessive which isn’t a good trait.
30. To be kind, caring and compassionate towards ones fellow human beings is a sign of being a good person.
31. Peace and harmony are good for environment just as cacophony results in noise pollution which is detrimental to health.
32. Noise pollution, lies, deceit all breed and foster enmities.
33. You must practice the art of listening and not be the one who talks all the time.
34. To say no is also an art, you just can’t give in to everything.
35. Life is what you make it, won’t be served on a platter to you.
36. Love makes the world go around.